PFO Newsletter (Special Edition) - 2.7.2024

Lots of new faces around here… first of all, WELCOME!

This is going to be a short and very sweet edition of my personal newsletter, because THREE of you are winning an autographed copy of Atomic Habits, by James Clear. (Keep reading to find out how)

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I was beyond pumped that James agreed to come on my podcast, where he’s talking about how we can BUILD ATOMIC HABITS IN OUR KIDS and ourselves. This topic and conversation happened because you told me that you want to talk about it. And can I just say, James gave us soooo much to chew on in this conversation. I can’t wait to hear your thoughts about it…

Building healthy habits is something I’m trying to be better at. If you find me at a game for my kids, you’ll always find me with a soda, popcorn and blow-pop in hand. You probably know I love fountain drinks, too. And, my adult consumption got a little out of hand recently, so hubby and I did Dry January last month, abstaining from alcohol for a month.

BTW, for those that took the poll last week about Dry January, I was kind of blown away that over 50% of you said you didn’t do it and over 30% said you did and you like your sobriety, so you’re going to keep going. WAY TO GO!

I was in the minority of people who were very glad to be done and looked forward to an adult beverage. I will say, my husband and I are trying to be more intentional going forward and have come up with a new strategy which we talk about here. Also, I included some of your responses (there were so many!!) at the end of the newsletter, that I think you’ll enjoy. 

And finally…the finale…the cherry on top…

If you want to win that autographed copy of Atomic Habits, be one of the first to DM me on Instagram with the word “ATOMIC”, plus your mailing address. 

As we leave, I’m super grateful you’re here! And, a reminder: it’s SUPER BOWL week. If you want to be as popular as the halftime show, MAKE THIS APPETIZER. xo

Can’t wait to check in with you next week! 

— Paula

…Keep reading for a few of your comments from last week’s Dry January Poll

➡️ Our kids are grown, our nest is empty and at the end of the day we enjoy a glass or two of wine during supper. We have adult kids and sometimes we need it more than ever! Ha! Give Me potty training all over again!

➡️ I’ve had 0 alcohol since we returned from vacation on 1/15. Although not a true month, I knew it was useless to try to not have alcohol while on vacation. The bigger goal for me is to stop or greatly cut back on all sugar so checking my alcohol consumption is important. Also my husband built a man cave/bar in our basement and yea, I have a bar in my house. I have slept so good since stopping and I want to keep going with this.

➡️ As we get older we have found alcohol hits us much differently. We have cut our alcohol intake way down. It is now rare that we have a drink. And it feels awesome. Especially for me with peri and menopause circling me, less alcohol really helps me with all symptoms. 

➡️ I had started 75 Hard for my second January BUT then 12 days in and negative temps I decided to stop torturing myself for a second year.  I already did this successfully last year, so why the need to do it again??? People actually congratulated me for quitting this year :)

➡️ I listened to Andrew Huberman’s podcast on Alcohol and the brain about 18 months ago and stopped cold turkey. Best decision ever! Moderation is harder and more stressful to the body than abstinence. :)

➡️ First time for dry January. Made it but I didn’t lose an ounce of weight as I had hoped. Can’t wait for a beer at my favorite brewery!

➡️ Like you and John, my husband and I did this together! There were only a few times when one of us had a rough day, but we picked each other up instead of wallowing in misery! We feel better, and are planning to continue–drinking only on weekends or special occasions. 

➡️ I’ve never had an addiction or issue with alcohol - I need to work on my sugar addiction though!

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