PFO Newsletter - September 5, 2023

Want the scoop on something fun? 🥳

Today is my daughter’s 16th birthday and we’re still recovering from having a Sweet 16th sleepover with twenty girls over the weekend. Lots of pasta. Lots of pancakes. 

I still remember my 16th birthday…my parents threw me a surprise birthday party and I was so mad at them for it. (Ha — of course, I was.) My friends and I danced to music from my BOOM BOX, which had a CD player (revolutionary!) and dual cassette decks. I was so proud of that boom box.

You know what else I’m proud of? My new kid's book, Who Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up? is coming out NEXT Tuesday!!  If you want to see it before anyone else, receive fun giveaways and have access to a private reading of the book with me and a special guest, I’d LOVE LOVE LOVE for you to join the launch team! Click on this link to join and bring your kids, grandkids, and all the little ones to my live author reading (I’ll send details to the launch team). 

All my proceeds are going to the Boys & Girls Clubs of America (I’m a Trustee and ardent supporter). And, just a heads-up, I’ll be in NYC on Fox & Friends this Thursday, talking about this message and the BGCA. And, next week, it will be featured on GMA and The View

Here are the questions I’m encouraging you to think about this week, which are the same questions in the back of the book… that help parents to foster WHO instead of WHAT in their kids.

  • What are you naturally good at? 

  • What do you love?

  • What’s important to you?

Here’s how that plays out in my life: I’m a curious, question-asking, advocate of people and I love to champion you to live your best life. That’s the type of person I was created to be…and the person I want to continue to be. 

WHO do you want to BE, friend? Let’s talk about it in my launch team.


I snorted laughing at the things college freshman asked their parents…

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1. FREE Downloadable For Kids!

One other thing about my kid's book â€” we’ve created an adorable and free downloadable for all of you to enjoy. Click below to download now!

2. Souper Cubes

I'm bringing this favorite back, because I’ve found Souper Cubes to be even MORE useful than I imagined. Yes, it’s for leftover soup. You freeze it and pop out your serving. Buuuuut, I’ve also been using them to bake mini-meatloaves and mini-banana bread. I had no idea you could use them in the oven as well as the freezer!  

3. What I'm Reading â€” And How You Can Win! 

My friend Max Lucado has another fabulous book coming out and he’d like to gift FIVE of you with a copy! God Never Gives Up on You shows the specific ways God turns the brokenness of life into blessings. He addresses topics like shame, swirling negative thoughts, self-forgiveness and more. Be one of the first to DM me your *mailing* address and it’s yours!







If you're a working mom, make sure you're getting THE CARRY™ ALL, the newsletter by and for working moms! I founded CARRY™ in 2022, to create load-lessening content for working moms and to help carry their many burdens.Here's what you missed in last week's THE CARRY™ ALL:




A simple and MANAGEABLE system for swapping out clothes for the season




HOW being a working mom BENEFITS your kids



Back-to-school tips for SINGLE MOMS



A Letter to the Mom WHO FEELS UNSEEN


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