PFO Newsletter - September 20, 2023

YOU made it happen! 🎉

Let’s talk about dropping some pretty big news yesterday!!If you didn’t see it, I released the trailer for my new show, The Paula Faris Show, which officially comes out October 3rd. (Available on YouTube or anywhere you get your podcasts!)  

Between my kid's book and the new show launching, you might think I’m crushing life right now. 

But, I’m actually dropping quite a few balls. My house is an absolute disaster. (I was tempted to take a photo of my bathroom counter, which looks like a bomb went off.) My closet is similar. 

You see, here’s the thing about balance. It doesn’t exist. You might be killing it at work. But, your home life is out of balance. You might be killing it at home, but your work is suffering. 

There are two things keeping me sane when life feels busy that I hope help you: 

1. Letting the balls drop. I’m keeping the glass balls in the air, but the plastic ones are gonna fall. And, that’s okay. 

2. Ditching the Mom Guilt. It’s easy to think we’re not doing enough for our kids. But, something that’s made a world of difference is inviting my kids into the process. We talk about the work I’m doing and why it’s important. I encourage them to ask questions. They’ve become very supportive and they know they’re 100% my world, but they are not my identity. So, when I apologized to my daughter today for not being super “present” lately, she was quick to assure me that it was okay. Because she knows the why behind what I’m doing and why it’s important to our family. 

Something always has to give, friends. And right now, it’s the house and the laundry. 

In the meantime, I’d love your help supporting the new show! I can’t tell you how many of you have reached out to me asking me to bring my podcast back since I stopped doing it earlier this year. I read every single one of your messages. Your feedback is one of the main reasons this is happening! So, this is OUR SHOW. 

Now that the trailer is out, I’d love for you to subscribe! We’re going to have a ton of fun. And, we’re definitely going to TALK ABOUT IT.

Subscribe to The Paula Faris Show!


Baptism Sundays at my church make me WEEP. And, this Sunday, was a special one, that’s too good not to share.



1. Win a FREE Copy of Annie F. Downs' New Book!

The best thing about you is that you are uniquely YOU! That’s the message of Annie F. Downs’ new kid's book, "So Happy To Know You", which was released this week. (It's already a best-seller — grab your copy today!). I’m a huge fan of kids' books. And, this is one of the best FROM one of the best. Annie is a former teacher and has a beautiful way with children. Her generous team is gifting us FIVE copies! Be one of the first to DM me your mailing address, and it’s yours!

2. Mums the Word 

Okay, I saw this video and I’m tempted to try it because my mums look like they’re dying a slow death throughout fall. What do you think? Would you try it?  

3. Pumpkin  EVERYTHING!

If you saw the text chain between my daughter and me, it’s essentially social media recipes, with us saying “We need to make this!”. So, our new fave is this pumpkin pie protein ice cream. You’ll need a can of pumpkin, milk, protein powder, cinnamon, and sugar/monk fruit. Top it with whipped cream, or as my mom says, “whoosh”.








If you're a working mom, make sure you're getting THE CARRY™ ALL, the newsletter by and for working moms! I founded CARRY™ in 2022, to create load-lessening content for working moms and to help carry their many burdens.Here's what you missed in last week's THE CARRY™ ALL:

1. How to talk to your boss about scaling back at work 

2.  Tips (and a little laugh) for the empty nester


3. Quick lunch ideas for working moms


4. Letter to the mom who wants to work more



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