PFO Newsletter - June 21, 2023

Dysfunctional families and fruit flies

Summer Hacks You Need to Know ☀️

🦟 Fruit flies are the literal worst, right? Keep reading to find out how to get rid of them this time of year.

But first, I need to get something off my chest: I’m kind of ashamed, almost embarrassed to admit it, but there’s a good chance you feel the same. 

Here it goes: my family can bring out the worst in me. 

There. I said it. So, let me tell you what happened. My entire family visited South Carolina last week and most stayed with us. So, there was lots (LOTS!) of togetherness. By the last day, I was not my best self. I wound up going off…I’ll spare you the details. LOL.

Why am I telling you this? You’d probably never know it by these photos. But, behind every photo is real life. And real family life is this: every family has a bit of dysfunction.

It’s kind of normal for our uglier sides to come out around our family because we might feel more secure around them. I googled this very topic (and the internet is always right 🤣). But in all seriousness, I learned that it all comes down to this: we know they won’t stop being our family if and when we snap at them, so we’re subconsciously taking them for granted. And, there’s a good chance we don’t have that same level of security with other people in our lives. 

So, how did my story end? Well, it ended with me apologizing for my reaction. But, also we had a Come to Jesus meeting about boundaries in our family…because it turns out that leaving your dirty dishes in Aunt Paula’s sink, and expecting her to clean up after you doesn’t go so well. 😘

I learned a really valuable lesson: set boundaries and expectations with family, especially when they visit. As my friend Lysa TerKeurst (who wrote a whole book on boundaries) writes, “Boundaries allow us to love people well without losing the best of who we are.”  Now that I got that off my chest, I should tell you that I got another tattoo. Actually, I got two. More on that next time we chat.  

XO “Aunt Paula” 😉


Can you even imagine how you’d react if your child brought this “certificate” home? Mad respect for the parents who totally kept their cool. And, hugs to that sweet boy for making his brother such a sweet note.


1. Bye Bye, Fruit Flies

Fruit flies are possibly the most annoying, grossest part of this time of year. Want to get rid of those pesky creatures? Then, click below to watch a video that offers THREE tips, including one that involves your leftover wine corks. It may require you to open up a new bottle of wine… if so, you’re welcome :) 

2. Summer Grill Hacks

We live for the grill in the summer and I’ll never grill hamburgers without ice cubes, again! To learn how to make the best burgers, fish and how to clean your grill, click below to check out some really helpful solutions. 

3. You are Worthy!

My dear friend Jamie Kern Lima (founder of IT Cosmetics) has written another book and it’s now available for pre-order! “WORTHY is for anyone who has struggled with self-doubt or felt like they aren’t enough. And, guess what? She’s gifting FIVE of you a signed copy, once the book releases (February 2024). DM me with your mailing address and I’ll choose five winners. Also, if you missed my conversation with Jamie about how to change your relationship with rejection on my former podcast, make sure you listen here.



If you're a working mom, make sure you're getting THE CARRY™ ALL, the newsletter by and for working moms! I founded CARRY™ in 2022, to create load-lessening content for working moms and to help carry their many burdens.Here's what you missed in last week's THE CARRY™ ALL:1. 


A quick summer dinner favorite2. 


Your summer reading recommendations 3. 


Shoutout to a company normalizing Tuesday AM appointments 


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