PFO Newsletter - January 3, 2023

An unbelievable turn of events…

This was not the start to 2023 I was expecting, but here I am, writing this newsletter from my mother’s living room in Jackson, Michigan… the home I grew up in. Last time you and I connected, it was right before Christmas and we talked about going deeper with our loved ones over the holidays by asking the right questions. I prepped my husband and kids for this over Christmas breakfast and we decided to ask each other what TV/Movie/Book Character best describes us. Our answers ranged from Chris Farley to Olivia Pope to Ryan Reynolds. It was fun and insightful and at times, a little shocking (in a good way). That was the final memory I have of Christmas 2022 before I got a call from my sister in Michigan, telling me our mom was being transported to the hospital with stroke-like symptoms. Almost immediately, my family, plus my sister, niece and our dog (Addy) piled into our car and began the 14-hour trip from South Carolina to Michigan.

And, here I am, in mom’s living room, after a wild Christmas — happy to report my mother has made a miraculous recovery. She went from complete confusion — not knowing her name, what year it was, who we were — to being able to talk coherently and recall our names. Turns out, she was experiencing severe seizures. While she’s still easily confused and anxious, the meds are controlling the seizures. However, she needs 24/7 care, for the time being. So, I’m here, taking care of her — while my husband holds down the fort with our three kids until I return. We are what’s called the sandwich generation, like so many of you, which means we’re taking care of our kids and our aging parents.All of this puts the New Year's Resolution/Goals conversation into perspective. This year, I’m just trying to be present with my people. That’s it. Btw, in case you’re ever on Jeopardy and asked when New Year's Resolutions started, they began with the Babylonians 4,000+ years ago. (You’re welcome.) Also, to make you feel a little bit better about your resolutions, I found this post on IG which stated my three goals for 2022: Stop spreading myself too thin, do a pull-up at CrossFit and give working mamas a voice through CARRY Media. I only succeeded at one of them… and you know what? It’s okay. :) Keep being awesome, friends! 



1. WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE? I need you to tell me which family photo you’d like me to post


DM me via Instagram your favorite photo 


#1, #2 or #3!But, in the last newsletter, I promised to give you the backstory of these family photos. First of all, I couldn’t send them out because we took them too late. Why you ask? My daughter refused to take family photos before her braces were removed deep into December :) So, we took them late, didn’t send them out annnnd the boys outfits are courtesy of Walmart. We didn’t realize until the morning of the photos that NONE OF THEIR DRESS SHIRTS/PANTS fit. Just sayin’ there’s no shame in that Walmart game, friends.


2. WHAT I’M ATTEMPTING: Dry January… about 25% of you are probably doing the same and you're doing it for a myriad of reasons. Dry January means no alcohol for the month of January. My husband and I have even locked up our liquor cabinet, to keep us honest. Don’t get me wrong, I loooooove a choice beverage. But, I watched this video from a strength and sleep expert — it blew my mind how alcohol affects our sleep. And, to be honest, hubby and I are getting horrible sleep, lately. If you’re also doing #DryJanuary, let me know and we’ll be cheering you on! And, please feel free to check in to keep us on track.

3. HOW I’M CONNECTING: I’m asking my loved ones deeper questions, like that question about which TV/Movie/Book Character best describes them. I asked my mom, who’s just back from the hospital and we both agreed — Lucille Ball! 😘 She's definitely giving off Lucille Ball energy in this photo! I’d love to hear your and your loved one's answers.


Here's what you missed this week in The CARRY™ ALL, the weekly newsletter BY working moms, for working moms (and the Media company birthed out of my own Called Out story!)

1. How to ditch burnout in 2023.2. Easy ways to clear your digital clutter.3. An invitation to our private Facebook community filled with hundreds of working moms who get the struggle, the juggle and everything in between.


or to participate.