PFO Newsletter - January 24 2023 #YDHTCIA

You don't want to miss out 🎉👏🏼!

Five more only have FIVE MORE DAYS to join the private launchteam for my new book, YOU DON'T HAVE TO CARRY IT ALL: Ditch The Mom Guilt& Find A Better Way Forward.  This is your chance to get spoiled by me and my team!If you don’t like fun, exclusive content from me and weekly giveaways, thislaunch team isn’t for you. Because, we’re going to party like it’s 1999 🎉and figure out how to give working moms the support they need and deserve.When you join the launch team, you get:

  • An intimate, weekly discussion of the book, led my me

  • The audio book ONE MONTH before it releases

  • Weekly Giveaways

  • A custom tote bag

  • 100 of you will get THIS custom ABLE bracelet!

  • And, more!

Btw, I can't wait for you to hear the audio book...I'm in the studio thisweek, recording it. And, you'll receive it a FULL MONTH before the bookactually releases.To answer some of your questions about the launch team:

  1. What does #YDHTCIA mean?I chose a really, really, really long book title. So, #YDHTCIA is the abbreviated version of You Don’t Have To Carry It All.

  2. I have older kids, is this book and launch team for me?This launch team is for EVERYONE…moms, dads, singles, young, old, non-parents…anyone who wants to be part of giving moms the support they need and deserve!

  3. I already pre-ordered the book and have the custom tote bag, as well. Do I have to order it, again? Look, if you want to order a bunch of copies of the book, I won’t stop you. But, you only need to pre-order the book ONCE…if you have already pre-ordered or plan to pre-order, that’s all you need to do to qualify for the launch team. Then, once you’ve pre-ordered, join the launch team HERE.

  4. Will I have a chance to ask questions during the author led discussions? YES!!! I can’t wait to hear your thoughts, questions, comments, concerns, ALL OF IT. I’ll be addressing your feedback during each weekly video that I send out.

I am so excited about the book, but more looking forward to celebrating with you! Come and join the fun and together, let's make being a working mom work! 



or to participate.