PFO Newsletter - January 17, 2023

The good, the bad and the facts of life

One of my favorite TV shows back in the day was “Facts of Life”... the show’s theme song was so catchy. You probably recall it… it went something like this, “you take the good, you take the bad, you take them all and there you have the Facts Of Life.” I loved Tootie so much, mainly because I related to all that trouble!

Back to the theme song… It pretty much sums up our lives. We have to take the good with the bad. And, if we want to avoid the bad, we’ll only block ourselves from experiencing the good, as well. The good from my camp?

  •  I just announced the launch team for my upcoming book “You Don’t Have To Carry It All: Ditch the Mom Guilt & Find a Better Way Forward.” It’s open to anyone — I’d love for you to join!

  • John and I are staying true to our #DryJanuary challenge. 

The bad? 

  • My mom, Carol, is moving into assisted living after her latest setback. 

  • Anxiety continues to cripple my youngest kiddo. 

Those, my friends, are the facts of my life at the moment. I bet your life looks similar — the good and the bad. I sure would love some of your guidance maneuvering through it all. 

So many of you have asked about my mom, who was hospitalized on Christmas with stroke-like symptoms. Mom made the decision to pursue assisted living, so that she can be social, again. Because of her seizures, she can’t drive, needs 24/7 supervision and has lost a lot of her independence (which she’d just regained after her May 2021 stroke). What I’m grateful for is that she has a peace about it. I told her this is essentially the college experience she never had — meals in the mess hall, social gatherings and dorm-like living. There are lots of mixed emotions, though, because she’ll be selling the family home — the only home I ever knew growing up. Here’s a sweet photo of her checking out the common area of her new digs, where she’ll be playing bingo, jeopardy and maybe meeting a good-looking fellow octogenarian. ❤️

If you’ve gone through something similar, I’d love to hear how you’ve navigated the transition. 

When I’m ready, I’ll explain more of the anxiety my little guy has been carrying for most of his life. It involved a trip to the E.R. this past week and new medication. I’m not by nature an anxious person, nor is my husband or my other children — which is fascinating that children can grow up in the same environment and be completely different. Please point me in the right direction on how to best support a kid with anxiety — I’m all ears!

Thanks for letting me lean on you, right now! Grateful for all of you who respond to this little newsletter and remind me we’re all in it… together. 




If you want to get spoiled by me, receive my new book A MONTH BEFORE ANYONE ELSE, receive my author-led discussions, plus a bunch of other perks, then JOIN THE LAUNCH TEAM for “You Don’t Have To Carry It All”. Click this link or go to I’ll be doing an IG Live later this week to address some of your questions about the launch team 


a few I’ve already received are “is this just for moms?” and “do I have to buy the book again?” This launch team is private, but it’s for EVERYONE who wants to join… regardless of whether you’re a mom. If we truly want to give moms the support they need and deserve, we need men, women, parents and non-parents in the fight with us! 

2. Miraculously, John & I haven’t had a drop of alcohol since NYE. We committed to doing #DryJanuary, which essentially means we’re not drinking this month. Whenever I get a craving, I grab my latest fave, #TopoChico. Y’all. This is the best bubbly water I’ve ever had in the history of my 47 years on planet earth. And, according to my friend Google, it’s naturally carbonated from the Cerro del Topo Chico spring in Mexico. What?!?! But wait… there’s more. Google also tells me this majestic mineral water aids in the digestive process and helps with hangovers. (I’ll remember that on Feb 1, when #DryJanuary is over — LOL). It sounds super bougie, but I buy Topo Chico at my local Walmart! 

3. Sisterhood is so important — whether you have actual sisters or great friends, who are like sisters. Katherine Schwarzenegger Pratt (Arnold’s daughter and Chris Pratt’s wife) has the sweetest kids book coming out on February 7th, titled:

, which I’ve had the chance to read, already. You should check it out! She’ll be on my podcast, soon. And, she mighhhhhht also be giving away a few copies down the road to all of you. Stay tuned! ❤️❤️❤️

Here's what you missed this week in The CARRY™ ALL, the weekly newsletter BY working moms, for working moms (and the Media company birthed out of my own Called Out story!)


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