PFO Newsletter - December 6, 2022 Special Edition

I don’t want you to miss out!

You might be reading this at work. Maybe, at home. Good chance you’re reading it from your bed in the fetal position. Because you’ve either been bitten by one of the many viruses going around or you know someone who has. I tried picking up some over-the-counter medicine at my local pharmacy and the shelves looked like the end days were nigh. Bare as a baby’s bottom. 

I’ll keep this short and sweet. Mainly because I’m breaking all my newsletter rules and sending you an extra edition. But, it’s because I wanted to make sure you got in on the holiday goody incentives for my upcoming book, YOU DON’T HAVE TO CARRY IT ALL, before it’s too late!

If you’re one of the first to pre-order before FRIDAY, you’ll get a custom tote bag! You’ll also get two chapters I personally selected pour vous, and a discount code for all things you must buy for the ladies in your life from ABLE. Again, the tote bag offer expires on FRIDAY. And, I don’t want you to miss out. 

I can’t wait to catch up with you next week! I’ll be doing a fun giveaway, plus talking about how we can get our loved ones (and teenagers) to open up simply by asking the right questions. It will be a great primer as we gear up to entertain and converse with family and friends over the holidays. And, before I go, speaking of loved ones (and teenagers)... here’s a photo of me, Landon and Caroline, watching JJ’s 7th grade basketball game last night. I’m learning that THIS is what happens when you have teenagers. They refuse to show their face in photos, or when they do, they’re intentionally making a face so cringy you won’t send the photo to anyone. LOL.

Until next time, my friends! And, remember: You Don’t Have To Carry It All!



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