PFO Newsletter - August 23, 2022

Back To School, Getting Organized and Dropping the Ball…

All is right in the world, again. My three kids are back in school: high school, middle school and elementary school. I don’t care that this means three, separate drop-offs and three, separate pickups. I’m just glad to have some structure. I need to be honest with you all. This summer was a struggle. Yes, I took a summer break from the Faith & Calling Podcast, but I crammed way too much into our calendars. All of it was self-inflicted. Plus, I was on-and-off antibiotics all summer because of a sinus infection that would not go away and resulted in me losing my voice twice. God has a way of getting me to stop. Losing my voice is one of the reasons I dropped the ball. I promised you all a bonus episode for my podcast during our summer hiatus. I didn’t deliver. I could offer you any number of excuses, but I’m just owning that I didn’t meet my expectations. And guess what? We’re all going to be okay. A friend of mine once told me something that always helps put things in perspective… She said: 

“If it’s not going to matter in 5 years, is it going to matter in 5 minutes?”

So, friends, let’s turn the page. Re-set, re-launch, re-whatever we need to do…and start fresh. 

Two weeks from today, I’ll be re-launching the podcast and you’re hearing it FIRST, right here in this newsletter, a few of the guests I’ve got coming up. 

  • Toby Mac — He opens up about the death of his son Truett and how it’s impacted his faith, plus his friendship with Sheryl Crow and his powerful adoption story. 

  • Shawn Johnson and Andrew East — I’m mildly obsessed with this couple. She won a gold medal in gymnastics, remember? He played in the NFL. They met on a blind date. And, you’ll love their new calling in life!

I can't wait for you to tune into these episodes and hear some seriously entertaining and encouraging conversations!



Congrats to Megan T. and Stephanie R., winners of the Luna Gold Earrings by Danielle Walker from the last newsletter. Ladies, they look LOVELY on you. XO

1. I love my paper planner. But I can’t live without the MASSIVE home calendar that’s hanging on our wall. You know, the one that is impossible to ignore, that prevents your kids from saying “but, mom, I didn’t know about my basket-weaving class.” Because, my child, it was written on the calendar. In your color. This acrylic calendar has been a game changer since I bought it last year. By no means do you have to get this specific one — there are plenty to choose from, and they’re customizable!

2. Do not trust the movie critics, people. They panned the movie “Where The Crawdads Sing,”  giving it a 34% approval rating. But guess what? The people actually watching the movie (you and me) gave it 96%! Could the critics be ANY MORE OUT OF TOUCH? The screenplay was adapted from Delia Owens’ Global best-selling novel. A heads-up: If you haven’t read the book, this is me warning you that it can be intense. Photo via

3. Advocating for working moms gets me fired up! Watch me share one of my experiences in the workplace that was a catalyst in founding CARRY Media™. This was part of a longer conversation with Faith Driven Entrepreneur that you can watch HERE. 

Here's what you missed this week in The CARRY™ ALL, the weekly newsletter BY working moms, for working moms (and the Media company birthed out of my own Called Out story!)

1. APPS that make a working mom's life easier.2. How Audible is helping caregivers with resume gaps to re-enter the workforce.3. A letter to the Mama who is scared that maternity leave will set her back.

The Paula Faris 'Faith & Calling' Podcast

Yes, I’ve taken a summer break from the podcast…but, until I return in two weeks, I’m sharing with you some of my favorite episodes, to date!



Scott Harrison, Founder of Charity Water, talks about gaining freedom from his past as a NYC nightclub promoter where he was numb from an endless cycle of drugs, booze and models.  

Sarah Jakes Roberts, who was a teen mom, shares why she feels called to help others break the cycle of shame. She also shares her secret to blended families!


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