PFO Newsletter - April 25, 2023

Are you the person for the job?

It’s always something when you’re in the thick of parenting, working and living…am I right?

I picked up my youngest from school and was surprised to see his left hand was wrapped up. Apparently, there was a mishap in recess involving a basketball.

You might feel a little like this, too. Bandaged, bruised and banged up. To be honest, I had a long talk with GOD today and asked him to find another girl for the assignment. While I absolutely love being a founder and entrepreneur, it is also absolutely the most stressful thing I’ve ever embarked upon. Had I known it was going to be this difficult, I probably would have opted out. 

I’ve been waking up in the middle of the night, my mind racing — How will we scale? How will we monetize? How much money do I need to transfer from my savings account this month to keep things going? Thankfully, I have really trusted people who encourage me and won’t let me quit. They get me to talk about it, to open up, whereas my natural inclination is to draw inward. 

My husband has always sent me daily motivations and devotionals. But, he sent me one a few days ago that gave me some calm and might speak to you, as well. 

It said this: “God takes us through the Six Phases of Faith — a dream, decision, delay, difficulty, dead end, and deliverance — over and over again throughout our lives to grow our faith and develop our character.

Wherever you might find yourself in this season at a dead end, curled up in the fetal position or celebrating that deliverance, I hope you know this: YOU ARE THE PERSON FOR THE JOB. 

And, so am I. 

I’m pretty sure I wrote this for the both of us. A reminder that WE are the person for the job, regardless of our bruises and bandages. They’ll soon be symbols of our character. 




Babs never fails! I tried this and it worked!!! If you want to brighten your linens/sheets for spring cleaning, all you need is baking soda and vinegar. Your linens will be refreshed and sparkling white!





2. Going to youth baseball games? Maybe the beach? A couple of my mom friends have THIS wagon and they tell me it’s been a game-changer because of the stroller-like handle and tray. I just ordered mine and can’t wait to load it up! I still can’t feel my arm after carrying 597 bags to my son’s baseball tournament this weekend.


3. I’m always on the lookout for funny and clean content that’s appropriate and safe for family consumption. I recently discovered Daniel LaBelle who consistently makes me and my kiddos laugh out loud. His stuff is just hysterical. He’s a physical comedian, which means he essentially does funny stuff with his body. Daniel is on YouTube and Instagram…try not to laugh!





Here's what you missed this week in The CARRY™ ALL, the weekly newsletter BY working moms, for working moms (and the Media company birthed out of my own Called Out story!)

1. How to professionally say NO to almost anything


2. If moms were honest in their cover letters


3. Creating our DREAM working mom bag


...and more!


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