PFO Newsletter - 7/12

Career Breaks, New Jobs and Trapeze Yoga

So many of you are considering taking a break, or maybe even leaving your job. 

My team at CARRY Media™ informed me that 40% of parents are considering changing jobs, at the moment. What?!?! That number is staggering. 

So, let’s talk about changing jobs. Let’s talk about taking a break. 

I’m taking a summer break from my podcast…because, to be honest, I felt like I was drowning. As an independent contractor/entrepreneur, I have several passions, right now. Sure, taking a break from the podcast is a hit to our finances. And, I really do LOVE it. But, I needed a break, especially as I’m launching CARRY™. 

Career breaks used to be a death sentence on your resume. But, LinkedIn data shows that half of employers (52%) now believe candidates should proactively bring up their career breaks during their interviews to highlight what they learned in their time away from the office! Um, that is GREAT NEWS. 

Okay, so you want to take a break. Now what? Well, I heard some great advice from Mary Beth Ferrante, founder of WRK/360. Here’s essentially what she says:

  • Be intentional about making the decision  What is it you actually want? Is it a break you want, or a new position?  

  • How can you stay engaged in your craft or industry? How will you stay connected to your network while on your break? (By taking a class, etc.)

  • How long do you expect to take a break? Oooo, that’s so good!

  • What is the skillset you want to continue to hone when you're on a break? 

  • Being a parent is unpaid. What will the economic impacts of a break be? Not just salary. We’re talking retirement, benefits and opportunity. 

I’d like to add one thing: what’s the BEST thing that can happen if you take a break? 

Next time I write to you, I’ll be overseas with my family, learning first-hand about a very impactful organization trying to end one of our greatest challenges! I can’t wait to tell you WHERE we’ll be and WHY we're there. Stay tuned… I’ll have some surprises you won’t want to miss. 

'Till next time… grateful for every one of you! And, I’d love to connect with you on Instagram! 


1. It’s scientifically proven that writing something down forces your brain to process that information in more detail, helping you to remember what you’re writing down. Soooo, that’s why I’m a big fan of planners. And, THIS is my favorite. It’s affordable ($19-$29) and literally saves my life. That doesn’t mean I don’t drop the ball every now and then…like when I totally blanked on my kids' appointment to get his spacers this week. Buuuut, it helps keep my mind as organized as it can be! Photo via

2. I’m a little late to the party, but I’m completely obsessed with BABS! If you’re not familiar with her Instagram account, @BrunchWithBabs, she describes herself as the grandma you didn’t know you needed. I love her. And, I love her easy recipes, plus home hacks (like how to whiten your towels, brownie hacks and gift hacks).


3. Trapeze Yoga  Two words I never thought I’d be part of. Until today. But, I’m taking some advice from a friend who said one way you fight burnout is by doing things that bring you JOY. So, I decided to try something that has long sounded wild and crazy. Trapeze Yoga. I signed up with a few friends…not sure I’ll be able to walk for the next week. But, it feels good to say NO to things that drain me. And, YES to things that bring me joy.

Here's what you missed this week in The CARRY™ ALL, the weekly newsletter BY working moms, for working moms (and the Media company birthed out of my own Called Out story!)

1. A Mother's Guide to Finding a New Job 2. The Sunscreen We Swear By3. One State that is Making Things Much Better for Nursing Moms

The Paula Faris 'Faith & Calling' Podcast

Yes, I’m taking a summer break from the podcast…but, I’ll be sharing with you some of my favorite episodes, to date! 

Zachary Levi – If you haven’t listened to the actor open up about the angel who brought him back to faith, and how his calling was on the other side of trauma, click here.

Kristin Chenoweth – Her story of auditioning for Broadway on a whim is nuts! And, how she let go of her dreams to be an Opera singer, only to see God weave it back into her calling will give you chills. Plus, she loves Waffle House :) Listen Now!


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