PFO Newsletter - 4.24.24

There’s a good chance I’m freaking out RIGHT NOW because I’m in Iowa today, giving a keynote address at the Women Lead Change conference…(Or maybe I’m freaking out because of the cow colostrum I’ve been taking the last few weeks?? Hang with me, I’ll explain).

You probably know that I left ABC News in 2020 and founded CARRY™ in 2022 to advocate for working moms and help carry them through with load-lessening content and advocacy work. Well, one of my favorite parts about being a champion for moms/families is getting LOUD about it. And, that’s why I’m in Iowa. I’m giving a talk about why supporting families is not just the right thing to do, it’s necessary for a booming economy, gender equity and it’s critical for healthy families. 

And, because I’m in Iowa, I had to tip my hat to Iowa’s own CAITLIN CLARK, who is sparking all kinds of important conversations about gender and pay equity. So, I’ve dedicated my nail art to her.

While we’re going to have a myriad of opinions about her salary and whether she’s making what she deserves, I bet most of us can agree that playing sports is something ALL KIDS should participate in.

It’s a hot topic in SO MANY HOMES and it’s what John and I are talking about on the podcast this week. While we firmly believe kids should play youth sports, and we dig into those crazy, sports parents (of which I’ve been one, a time or two!), John and I disagree on whether youth sports have gone too far (says me, who was at a volleyball tournament on Easter weekend this year). 

I’m curious what you think? Maybe you grew up playing sports, or maybe your kids are playing sports…

Do you think all kids should play youth sports?

Login or Subscribe to participate in polls.

Some of the biggest lessons my kids are learning are happening through sports: how to be a teammate, how to fail, discipline, resilience and selflessness. Basically, how to be a good human. 

The biggest takeaway for me is how to be a good teammate. And, learning how to cheer people on. You’ve heard the phrase, “Misery loves company”. The same can be true for cheering people on. I once heard someone say “cheerful attracts cheerful.” 

A reminder to all of us this week to be the kind of person we want to attract. 

Your biggest fan,



1. My New Favorite Product… Cow Colostrum

I mentioned earlier I’m taking cow colostrum. This might be the weirdest product I’ve tried. But, I’m so tired of taking a million supplements and powders. I’ve gotten rid of my collagen powder, green powder, prebiotics and probiotics…and am taking ARMRA, instead.

What hooked me is how it can repair your gut, but there are sooooo many benefits. Check it out HERE. And use the code PAULA10 for 10% off.  

2. Three-Ingredient Dinner 😋

I’m all about an easy dinner and here’s a three-ingredient recipe that’ll become your new go-to when you’re in a pinch.

All you need are Chicken, Ranch Dressing and Italian Panko.

If you don’t have Italian Panko, add dried Italian seasoning to it. You can use thighs or breasts. I used tenderloins the last time I made it. Pat the chicken dry with a paper towel. Dunk it in the ranch. Roll it in the panko. Then bake! (You’ll want to GOOGLE how long to bake it, depending on what cut of chicken you use.)

3. Mother’s Day Giveaway!

Did you hear about CARRY’s Mother’s Day Giveaway? We’re giving away a bundle of our favorite things that go in The CARRY ALL bag, which is now on sale for 30% off using CARRYMOM30! 

We’re giving away 10 bundles which include: Simplified planner, Owala water bottle, GOODR sunglasses, ABLE Leather Conditioner and signed copies of both my books. All you have to do to enter is get the bag and we’ll select 10 lucky winners!

Too Good Not to Share 😘

Because we’re talking about why kids should play sports, this kid’s reaction to his teammate winning an award is too good not to share.


The #1 Reason Your Kid Should Play Youth Sports

In this episode, we’re talking YOUTH SPORTS: the #1 reason why your kids should play, how to NOT be one of those crazy sports parents and whether youth sports have gone too far. It’s a big topic to tackle (no pun intended), for sure. But one that we’re all very passionate about.

Why Mario Lopez is a Strict Parent

Mario Lopez joins me to talk about parenting, marriage, and how turning 50 really messed with him. I loved getting to know Mario and hearing how much he adores his wife of 10+ years, as well as how they navigate their relationship while raising three children.

Your feedback from last newsletter’s poll…

In our last poll, I asked how you talk to yourself. And 83% of you said you’re pretty tough on yourself.

➡️ My kids learn how to talk to themselves by observing me in different situations! (And their father, too).

➡️ I need to be better with and I'm trying with many years of therapy. I am always better with encouraging others, but when it comes to me - not so much.

➡️ As an enneagram 9,  and probably other labels, I struggle with getting everything right, being there for everyone, and keeping things harmonious. When those things don't look as I believe they should, then I'm pretty hard on myself.  I need to be kinder to myself, give myself grace and just be sometimes. Embrace the messy.

➡️ I have to be intentional about talking to myself positively. It’s a daily battle with my mind.

➡️ I can tell myself that I am not good enough when I am doing the job just fine.

Join the Conversation!

If you’ve made it this far, I invite you to join (or start) the conversation in our comments section. Let me know what you think about the topics covered in this newsletter.


or to participate.