PFO Newsletter - 3.14.24

I doubt you’ll even notice…but, you’re getting this on a Thursday instead of my normal Wednesday. That’s because a stomach bug decided to join my family on Spring Break this week…so, I was feeling quite horrible and had no energy to write to you.

Here’s a photo before the bug.

Alas, I am much better. And slowly, but surely reintroducing food and beverage. For some reason, all I’m craving is Coca-Cola. Not the diet stuff, either. 

One positive of laying in bed on vacation? Binging a good show. And, I have a great one to tell you about!

Have you ever been sick on vacation?

(P.S...Keep reading for the results from last week’s poll about caring for our kids and our parents… your responses will help you feel less alone)

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Thank God for my supportive husband who took care of me and the kids while I was laid out. He ran to the store to get me medicine, fluids and rubbed my back. Which, by the way, are my main love languages — physical touch and acts of service. 

Which leads me to today’s hot topic: The Five Love Languages, a tool to help you love your friends and family in the ways they feel loved. 

John and I invited Dr. Gary Chapman (who wrote the book on it!) to the podcast this week to talk about how crucial the love languages are in ALL our relationships. 

This is a must listen with your partner…and yes, we ask that burning question: Is Sex A Love Language? I can’t wait for you to hear Dr. Chapman’s answer. 

I connect so much better with John, my kids, my friends and my family, knowing what makes them feel loved…and what hurts them. This book will always be in my Top 3 of books that have transformed me. 

Keep growing and keep shining, friends! As always, you encourage me so much!

— Paula


1. What I’m Watching 📺

I mentioned one of the only positives to being laid out on vacation is being able to binge a show. And, I have found my new favorite, thanks to a referral from my friend, Tara. It’s called ”The Gilded Age”. 

If you like Downton Abbey (or Bridgerton — hey, I’m not judging), you’ll love this series about high society in NYC from 1870-1890. I binged both seasons. And, if you’re looking for a good family movie, we just watched ‘DAMSEL” on Netflix, which everyone loved (and that’s saying something because the kids range in age from elementary to high school). It’s PG-13, but really only because of the battles and fighting.

2. Travel Hack ✈️

Because it’s spring break season, and our family refuses to check any baggage, these travel cubes are a must for getting the absolute most you can into your bag, all while keeping it organized! 


It doesn’t matter if GIFTS aren’t your love language…you’re going to love this giveaway! TWO of you are getting a FIVE LOVE LANGUAGES BUNDLE (the book, workbook and a DIY family guide) from Dr. Chapman. Be one of the first to DM me via Instagram with your name and mailing address. Congrats to whoever snags this! 

Too Good Not to Share 😘

This video that one of you sent me had me rolling…if that’s not the truth, I don’t know what is.


Touch Me and Tell Me How Great I Am…the Five Love Languages with Dr. Gary Chapman

John and I are kicking off our series on relationships with someone who has been instrumental in saving ours! Dr. Gary Chapman is joining us to talk about how his work as a counselor led him to write one of the bestselling books of all time: The Five Love Languages.

Protecting Children on Social Media with Brooke Shannon

This is one of the BIGGEST fights in my house and probably yours, too: social media, screens, and phones. If you have ever wanted to throw your children’s devices right out the window (and who among us has not?!), this episode is for you!

Your feedback from last newsletter’s poll…

In our last poll, the strong majority of you said you’re caring for both your kids AND your parents. I was kind of blown away by how many of you are dealing with this. Some of your responses are below…

➡️ It's tough seeing our parents age. They need our love and support more now than ever. They have sacrificed and loved unconditionally. Now the tables have turned where they depend on us "kids" to be there for them through all of their health struggles and loneliness. Our boys are 13 and 10, so life is full of activities. We make it a priority to see and visit our parents as much as we can. One set is 3 hours away, and the other set is 8 hours.

➡️ 2 years ago, my dad had multiple surgeries and was in the hospital for months, 3 hours away. We were in the transition of moving from Cincinnati to Iowa City, but I had to be with him. I sat in the hospital with him every day for 2 months in Lexington, KY. My boys would beg me not to go because  they missed not seeing much of me. I would drive 2 hrs. each way to the hospital for 2 months. It's what had to be done. He needed me there to be his health advocate, sit with him, watch the Red's play, and just know how much I loved him. It was an exhausting and emotional time, but I wouldn't trade it. It's not easy caring for our parents sometimes, but it's a gift to have them still with us.

➡️ I have a teen, a young adult, and a 93 year old mom. It's hard to navigate and meet everyone's needs without sacrificing my own and my husband's needs.

➡️ It’s tough since it’s role reversal and I feel like I haven’t been that good at it. Also I’m not always very patient with my father and then I feel so guilty. It’s like having a roommate that frustrates you all the time.

➡️ It’s so hard to transition to caring for parents. It not only a physical demand, but mentally exhausting. Watching the ones who’ve cared for you all their lives now need you to care for them, is hard. We knew this day was coming but it’s still challenging.

➡️ I value your content. I would love to learn more about taking care of my parents. We are just entering into this chapter and it's hard to navigate for sure.

Did you like this edition?

Be fearless and and tell us how we did.

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If you're a working mom, make sure you're getting THE CARRY™ ALL, the newsletter by and for working moms! I founded CARRY™ in 2022, to create load-lessening content for working moms and to help carry their many burdens.

Here's what you missed in last week's THE CARRY™ ALL:

1. 🌅 Summer camp ideas that won’t break the bank
2. 😵‍💫 How to handle spring break week as a working parent
3. 🕶️ $25 Sunglasses we LOVE


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