PFO Newsletter - 08.29.24

This is a special edition of my personal newsletter…the one where I keep it short and sweet, talking about my college takeaways from the podcast series we just wrapped AND I tell you all about the bundle that FIVE of you are winning! 🎉

If you sent me a question for the podcast series, I did my absolute best to answer them in the series, so make sure you take a listen. 


  • STEP #1: Ask your kids WHY they’re considering college. The top four reasons are typically: for the learning, for the kinship, for the credential, for the party (just being honest, here!)  

  • STEP #2: Once you’ve established WHY they want to go, have a sit-down conversation to discuss the financials. This is imperative. What are you, as a family, financially capable of paying? Ron Lieber (Episode 1 of the series) suggested we do this and it’s been really helpful. We sat down with our oldest and informed her of what we’re willing and able to pay. This helps inform her decision of what schools to look at, because she’s responsible for anything above and beyond what we’re giving her.

  • STEP #3: Where do they want to go to school? Becky Sabky, the former Admissions Director at Dartmouth College (Ep 3 of the series) suggests the following: 

    • Ask your child what kind of experience they’re looking for: big school, small school, rural, urban, good sports, a party school? 

    • Ask your child how far they want to be from home? An hours drive, a flight away? 

    • Have your kids talk to their peers who are a few years older than them and get their advice about particular schools and the process. My daughter has learned a lot about schools just by talking to her older friends. Again, informing the process. 

    • Don’t have a safety school. As Becky Sabky told us in the series, “you don’t marry your safety spouse”. LOL. There’s not just ONE right school for your child. 

    • For the most part, don’t pick a school just based on the programs, because roughly 75% of kids change their major. 

    • PARENTS: don’t put pressure on your kids to get into one school. There are many right schools for them. And, as Carlos Whittaker shared in Episode 4 of the series, let’s focus on raising good humans. 

  • STEP #4: Consider the alternatives. You might want to consider a gap year, where they can work, live on their own and learn how to adult. A gap year is also an opportunity to work in the field they’re considering. Trade schools and apprenticeships are phenomenal options, too.

  • STEP #5: College isn’t for every kid and your child can be successful no matter their path. 

Also, I posted this photo below👇🏽 on my IG yesterday, a throwback from when I was cutting my teeth in broadcasting back in the mid-90’s. Keep reading for what I wrote…a hopeful reminder to us, as parents. And to our kiddos!

My advice to kids trying to figure it all out: you don’t have to. You’re going to be called to different things in different seasons. Use your superpowers (the gifts and talents only you have) in every season, in every chapter of your life and don’t be afraid to pivot. You’re more than a job. Also, take that low-level job and make the MOST of your opportunity. Get your foot in the door and then kick it down. Finally, failure is a gift. You’ll learn more from your failures than your “successes”. Flip the script on it!

My advice to parents: praise your kids for being good humans, for opening the door for people, for learning the custodian’s last name, for being generous and thoughtful. They’re more than their job, their college, their degree. Find and foster their superpowers. Keep loving those kids for who they are, not just what they do. ❤️❤️

As for the college bundle, FIVE of you are getting a copy of these books–compliments of our experts and guests during the podcast series. And, one of you also gets the MERIT COURSE from Ron Lieber, which alone is worth $299! 

Here’s how you win: DM me via Instagram with your name and mailing address within the next 24 hours and I’ll randomly select the five winners. 

Cheering you and your family on!

Paula xo


LET’S TALK COLLEGE: The Emotions of Dropping Your Kid Off at College With Comedian Chip Leighton of The Leighton Show

Every year around this time, we see or hear about parents dropping their kids off at college. Not sure about you, but it DOES ME IN.  In this month-long series about college, I’m covering it from many angles, including whether or not it’s worth it, where to start and if it’s right for your kid, plus answering all the questions you sent me. This week, we’re getting a little levity with comedian Chip Leighton of The Leighton Show. If you haven’t seen his hilarious content about “funny texts from your teens and college freshman”, you’ve got to give him a follow.  Chip, a dad of two, joins John and I to talk about the process of applying to college and the emotions he did NOT expect when he dropped his son off at college.

LET’S TALK COLLEGE: Taking a Gap Year and Why the Admissions Process Has Gone Mad, Featuring my daughter Caroline and Becky Sabky, Dartmouth’s former College Admission’s Director

It wouldn’t be a series on college if I didn’t invite my high schooler to the conversation, along with a former Ivy League Admissions Director.  Caroline and I are joined by Becky Sabky, who spent years as Dartmouth’s Director of Admissions and explains why she’s a fan of the gap year. Becky shares her insider insights into the admissions process (and how it’s gone mad), plus answers your questions and Caroline’s. She’ll also outline helpful tips to help us on our journey of determining if college is right for our kids and how to find the right schools. And wait until you hear about the most powerful letter of recommendation she ever received and the surprising person who wrote it. (It brought us to tears!) This is a must listen for every parent …

LET’S TALK COLLEGE: Making the case for and against college with New York Times Money Columnist Ron Lieber.

We’re kicking off Season 3 of the podcast with a month-long series on COLLEGE, where we’re talking to experts and parents about what one college specialist has called “The most emotionally fraught decision many families will ever make.” How do you know college is even right for your kid? WHEN should you start saving? Is it even worth it or necessary, anymore?    Ron Lieber, the New York Times’ Money columnist, has been writing about this topic for decades and helps us untangle the puzzle of college and tells us where to start

LET’S TALK COLLEGE: Why college isn’t for every kid, featuring Carlos Whittaker

Our kids are more than their college degree, if they even choose to go to college.  Let’s face it: the conversation about college wasn’t even a thing until roughly 150 years ago.  I’ve gotta ask: whatever happened to raising good humans?  I’ve invited my friend, Carlos Whittaker, a popular podcaster and author, as well as a dad of two college grads to the conversation for an honest conversation about how we can take back the narrative of raising good humans, who understand that WHO they are is so much more important than WHAT they do. 

Join the Conversation!

If you’ve made it this far, I invite you to join (or start) the conversation in our comments section. What would you like to share? -Paula


or to participate.