PFO Newsletter - 06.20.24

It’s six in the morning and I’m on my back deck. This is my favorite time of day and favorite place to be. And it’s where I am right now, writing you. 

We’re lucky enough to live on a lake and hearing the waves lap on the shore is so calming for my frenzied soul. You’ve probably heard all the science about water and how restorative it is. Being in it, near it or on it really does reduce anxiety! 

DID YOU KNOW?: After two minutes of viewing water outdoors, blood pressure and heart rate drop (Source: Coss & Keller) 🙌🏽

Water has been so restorative for my 84-year-old mom, too. She stays with us a few times throughout the year and she got IN the water, which is HUGE for her. I’ve noticed a difference in her mood and I honestly think it’s the water. 

(Here are some photos of us this morning on our deck)

Did you notice what book John is reading? It’s called “The Price You Pay For College”. 

You’re telling us what you want us to talk about on the podcast. And, college is one of those topics. So we’ll be doing an upcoming series on college — Is It Worth It? Is It Necessary? What Are The Pros/Cons? And, we’re answering your questions, too.

I’d love to hear from you: What are your thoughts on college?

Is College Worth It?

Login or Subscribe to participate in polls.

Because this is a 100% listener-driven show, let me know what topics and conversations matter to you. (You can DM me or reply to this email.) Other upcoming conversations: menopause, having the sex talk with our kids, why women are leaving the workforce, etc. 

You’re doing great, friend! If you’re needing some calm, here’s your reminder to find a local lake, pond or other body of water, put your screens away, and rest in won’t take long for you to feel like yourself, again. 

XO, Paula


1. Protein-Packed Ice Cream

You’re either #TeamCottageCheese, or you’re not. 😂 There is no middle ground with cottage cheese. But there’s no denying it’s having a moment with its protein-packed nutrients. I’ve long been a fan (I used to dip my Doritos in it. Please, no judgment). So naturally, I love recipes where cottage cheese is the star. I found this three-ingredient ice cream that I’M LOVING. All you need: Peaches, Cottage Cheese and Honey

2. What I’m Watching

Props to Director George Clooney for the brilliant work on The Boys In The Boat, a film about Nine Americans and Their Epic Quest for Gold at the 1936 Berlin Olympics, amidst a backdrop of Hitler and the Great Depression. This is a FANTASTIC movie for your whole family.

3. What’s Saving Me This Summer ☀️

Summer is great, but it can come with a bit of dread if you have kids at home and you’re working or trying to create healthy rhythms. My team at CARRY™ developed this FREE guide to help you ditch the overwhelm and help you SAVOR your summer!

Too Good Not to Share 😘

If you’re not following Chip Leighton (The Leighton Show), follow him for a good laugh about teens and older kids. His posts about teenager texts are particularly humorous. BONUS: Chip is going to be one of my podcast guests during our series on college as he has a kid in college and another in high school!


Shawn Johnson and Andrew East: The Olympics, Life with Littles and Youth Sports

It was such a fun conversation to catch up with Olympic Gymnast Shawn Johnson and her husband, Andrew East, as we talked about The Olympics, life with littles, and youth sports. Because the Olympics start NEXT MONTH, we had to park there for a bit, and Shawn shared something about the Olympics and the athletes that truly shocked not just me but Andrew as well.

ASK US ANYTHING Pt 1: Toxic work, saving our summer and advice for our kids

John is always surprised by how many questions we get when we do these “ask us anything” episodes. And not just that, they’re almost always our most popular episodes! We’re answering your questions about toxic work environments, whether we’re done having kids, our best life advice for our kids and what is SAVING US THIS SUMMER as our children are out of school and we’re working from home.

Your feedback from last newsletter’s poll…

In our last poll, about 70% of you said that the mom/wife does the majority of domestic labor/unpaid tasks in your household. Here are some of your responses.

➡️ I'm a single mom. So the burden is on me. But I make my kids have responsibilities and do their part. I'm still the CEO of the household.

➡️ Our children live on their own, married and have children. I feel that at this point we should do our own laundry etc. and everything thing else is shared, like making and cleaning up from supper. This is so we both have time to ourselves. 🤷🏻‍♀️

➡️ My husband does the majority of the domestic type of work. He is the doer, while I am the thinker, organizer, strategizer. He is such a wonderful man and I greatly appreciate how much he does around the house, both inside and out. He works very hard and recognizes how hard I work. We both hold full-time jobs. This doesn't mean that I don't help. But the most important thing is that I never take for granted every single thing, big or little, that he does.

➡️ It is absolutely "JUST EASIER" if I do it myself!

Join the Conversation!

If you’ve made it this far, I invite you to join (or start) the conversation in our comments section. What would you like to share? -Paula


or to participate.