Book Club Email 5 - Sept - Book Club Group

Called Out Book Club | WEEK FIVE!

It's Week Five & The Gang is Back Together!

Hi Friend, 

We have three things to look forward to this week… Sara Haines, Dan Harris and OCTOBER!  Has fall tiptoed into your area yet? It’s the little things that feel like fall: football, pumpkin spice everrrrrrything and pulling on that oversized sweatshirt. 

Did you join us last week on #CalledOutBookClub? I was so encouraged listening to leadership coach Jo Saxton share her story of failure… she pursued something she felt called to and it failed spectacularly. Jo encouraged us with the steps she took post-failure and gave us practical tips on how to deal with imposter syndrome (when we don’t feel like we’re enough): 

  1. Identify how imposter syndrome makes you show up

  2. Write down your qualifications –– what makes you NOT an imposter

  3. Have real people who see you and know you speak truth


You can check out more of our conversation here.

Week five starts TODAY and guess what? The gang's back together again! Sara Haines and Dan Harris will be joining me Wednesday at 8:30 p.m. EST on Instagram Live as we discuss feeling unqualified, ill-equipped and unready to pursue what we feel called to (make sure you’ve read Chapters 9-10). 

There are no two people I’d rather talk openly and be vulnerable with! Will you join us?

In the meantime, here’s the latest on The Paula Faris ‘Faith and Calling’ Podcast. 

EPISODE 34 –– Going Beyond Fear in Pursuit of Your Calling –– Speaker, teacher, author and momma of three boys, Priscilla Shirer joins me to chat about questioning the path you’re on, no season ever being wasted, crippling fear and how to combat it, and SO MUCH MORE!  Listen Now!


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