April 20 2021 Email

Here Are Your Responses to My Question About Fear

Hi ,We’ve been talking about fear and courage this month…I asked you to name your fears and then ask yourself the BEST thing that can happen if you press into it.Here are a few responses I received:

  1. Jane has kids and has been wanting to go back to school.

  2. Annie says she’s scared of asking for a change in her job description.

  3. Kim wants to write a book, but her fear of getting rejected by publishers is holding her back.

The best thing that could happen for Jane? With her degree, she hopes to set off on the career path she’s always dreamed of.The best thing that could happen for Annie? She musters up the courage to ask for new responsibilities, flourishes in this new lane and gains confidence knowing her fear didn’t paralyze her.The best thing that could happen for Kim? She writes the book, changes lives with her content, and she either self-publishes or a publisher picks it up.Name your fear. Name what’s holding you back. Then ask yourself the BEST thing that can happen when you leave that fear behind.I want you to know you’re not alone. Fear of failure is the main fear we feel as humans. We’re all in this together!To help you navigate this space, I encourage you to listen to my conversation with Rachel Cruze (she’s a dear friend and a mom of three, who happens to be a best-selling author and Dave Ramsey’s daughter). Rachel’s career has taken off, but she recently made a massive shift in her life. She was scared to do it, but went for it anyway because of two core things. Listen below to learn how Rachel conquered her fears and to enter in a giveaway of Rachel’s book, “Know Yourself Know Your Money.”


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