April 06 2021 Email

This ONE question will change everything for you...

Let’s Overcome Fear Together!

Hi ,This month, you and I are talking about fear and courage…Finding the courage to do something scary, something that might not make sense to others, something that might feel risky...finding YOUR courage to push past those fears...can be easier said than done. And, often, it can be frightening. Why? Because we don’t know what it’s going to look like on the other side.I get asked a lot how I’ve been able to move past fear, take risks and embrace change. I'm going to share something that could change everything for you.If you’re staring down a challenge, but are hesitant to proceed, I want you to ask yourself some questions that will give you boldness and courage.  After all, courage is defined as “the ability to do something that frightens you."Today I want you to name your fear:What frightens you?What’s on your heart?What have you been wanting to go for, but haven’t?

  • Maybe you’ve wanted to muster up the courage to ask someone out…

  • It could be you’ve been wanting to walk away from a job because it’s starting to destroy you…

  • Or, possibly it’s something as simple as mustering up the courage to start playing a new sport later in life...

Whatever IT IS...name it.And, then ask yourself this question:What’s the BEST thing that can happen if you go for it? (Note: send us your responses to this question, as we’ll be posting them in the next newsletter)I used to ask myself the converse of that question…”what’s the worst thing”...and, I would psych myself out. But, I’ve learned to start asking myself the RIGHT question. To stay positive. To reflect on the BEST thing that will happen WHEN I go for it. The best thing that will happen when YOU go for it.It’s changed my paradigm on how I look at challenges, risks, fears and change.And, I believe it can help you, as well!P.S. If you’re ready to own a calling that is far bigger than your fear, check out my book “Called Out: Why I Traded Two Dream Jobs for a Like of True Calling” to read firsthand how I learned to overcome fear and discover God’s true purpose for my life.

Also, stay tuned as we’re launching something exciting in the next newsletter!


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