Reunions, Favorite Games and How to SAVOR your summer!

There are people in your life who just “get” you. Maybe it’s because you have a soul connection. Maybe it’s because you’ve known them since you were in diapers. Or, maybe you met them back in 1993 at a small, liberal arts college in Ohio and you’ve been friends ever since. 

That latter option is me.  

Krissy, Krysty and Meredith, my dear college friends, have known me since ‘93. Cue: Mrs. Doubtfire, oversized everything and Bill Clinton in office. It’s insane to think that was almost 30 years ago! 

We’ve made a point to reunite every year. But, COVID put a wrench in those plans. So, this past weekend, we got together for the first time in years… and made up for the lost time. I hosted them at my house in SC, the first time they’ve been here since my family and I moved back in 2020. And, we had a BLAST. I got them hooked on my favorite game (see my Faris Favorites below), and we spent hours on the water and laughing. Re-connecting was so needed.

Turns out, there is POWER in reconnecting with old friends. I read an article not too long ago in the Wall Street Journal about how reconnecting can give us a “sense of stability in turbulent times.” Nostalgia increases positive moods, self-esteem and self-confidence. 

I’m a big fan of rekindling friendships, reunions and reconnections. Who comes to your mind when I mention those things? How do you feel about picking up the phone and reaching out to them? 

Our lives weren’t meant to be lived in a vacuum, friends. I’ll be posting about my college friend reunion on my Instagram account this week and would LOVE to hear from you Who are you planning on reconnecting with? 

We don’t have to carry it all! 

The Paula Faris 'Faith & Calling' Podcast

Episode 70 with Jeannie Cunnion — This week’s episode comes with an extra heap of heart and humor because I am sitting down with my “soul sister from another mister”  celebrated author and speaker Jeannie Cunnion. Jeannie is also a wife, mother to five boys and former social worker. Jeannie traces her journey from adoption social worker  a job she absolutely LOVED  to something that she says made NO sense at all, becoming a writer. Learn how she heard the call, found alignment and stepped into the middle of an “only God” story. We discuss how important it is to have people who can carry you, and your family, through different seasons of life. Listen Now!

Episode 69 with Bianca Juarez Olthoff — Have you ever had big plans for your life only to find out that God had other ones? Bianca knows that space of confusion-turned-calling well and what it's like to have a holy nudge that just. won't. quit! Bianca Juarez Olthoff is a popular speaker, teacher, preacher, church planter and author. She's also a wife, proud stepmom and a brand new member of the Access More family (Yay!), with her podcast, We're Going There. If you're looking to step outside the expectations of others, find fulfillment despite things not going your way, or just feel rooted in the midst of a chaotic season of life... this episode and the wisdom Bianca is dropping marks the spot! Listen Now!


1. My college girlies and I played a ton of SEQUENCE, my favorite game, over the weekend. But, because I’m getting old and need to see the board better, I’ll be playing with the JUMBO versions from here on out. AKA, enlarged. There’s a GIANT TUBE EDITION or a GIANT BOX EDITION. Image via Amazon.com

2. I’ve been a bit “on edge” shall we say, with my kids since school got out a few weeks ago. We’ve all been cranky, angry and fighting. Finding our rhythms while they’re home and I’m still working seems impossible. So, my team at CARRY Media™️ created this SAVOR YOUR SUMMER free downloadable guide to help SAVE your summer. You’ll establish what you want your summer to look like, set daily responsibilities, pick dinner themes and have helpful tools for childcare and out of the office! Watch how my family and I went through the guide (newsflash: my kids complained LOL). But, it’s helped tremendously! And, I don’t have decision fatigue, anymore. 3. Who needs another kitchen appliance? Um, not me. And probably not you, either. But, my daughter convinced me to order THIS panini maker after having paninis at a friend’s house. And, it’s honestly been a game-changer. Make perfect, grilled sandwiches with no mess. Easy, quick and a great option for summer dinner.  The best news? Your kids can easily make them, too. Image via Amazon.com


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