Is Failure Part of the Process?

I'm back in the Big Apple...

As I write this, I’m sitting in my NYC hotel room, on the eve of my first media tour for CARRY Media™.  If I’m honest, I’m nervous. But, I’m also expectant of what can happen in this new season of calling. 

Will I fail? I sure hope not. 

Failing is a fear of mine (and the biggest fear we face as humans!). But, in this entrepreneurial season, I’m learning to embrace a growth mindset. Which, as my friend, CARRY™ advisor and fellow entrepreneur Liz Forkin Bohannon says in this week’s episode of the podcast, is going into the venture assuming it might not work out. And, if it doesn’t, not panicking, nor hanging my head in shame. Failing is part of the process. Growth and comfort don’t coexist. My goal is to stay curious and continue to grow. One of my favorite quotes is this: 


I’d love your support this week, as I appear on GMA3 (which airs TODAY, TUESDAY MAY 3 at 1 p.m. EST) The View and Fox & Friends, promoting all things CARRY Media™.  Quite the contrast going from The View to Fox & Friends, right? 

But, valuing moms in the workforce is something we can all agree on — being a working mom should work, and that’s what CARRY Media™ is committed to doing. Telling the stories of the working mom, so we can enact change. 

As we celebrate Mother’s Day on Sunday, I hope you can find a way to celebrate a woman in your life who has made you feel seen and known.

The Paula Faris 'Faith & Calling' Podcast

Episode 63: CALLBACK: Kirsten and Ben Watson – What lie do you hear? Is it that you aren’t worthy, you’re not capable or maybe you have nothing to say? Buckle up for this conversation, friends. I just love the Watsons. So, I’m calling them back to the podcast! A lot has happened since we last spoke with Benjamin and Kirsten Watson. Kirsten is stepping into an uncomfortable space, doing something she doesn’t feel qualified to do, facing that lie she’s been hearing on repeat. Kirsten has written a book — s

omething she felt called to do. The Watsons join me for an encouraging conversation about Kirsten's debut book, "Sis, Take a Breath: Encouragement for the Woman Who's Trying to Live and Love Well (but Secretly Just Wants to Take a Nap)". It's all about navigating the stress and fears of life, one simple breath at a time. I hope this conversation encourages you on your journey! 

Episode 64: with Liz Forkin Bohannon – 

Calling all entrepreneurs! This episode has your name written all over it. My friend and

CARRY Media™ 

advisor, Liz Forkin Bohannon, is here for a straight-talk, wide-ranging and laugh-out-loud conversation about the twists and turns along the road to entrepreneurship. In addition to being a sought-after speaker and mom of three, Liz is the co-founder and CEO of Sseko Designs, a socially-conscious fashion brand that provides educational and economic opportunities for women across the globe. But get this 


Liz started this brand with zero experience in fashion or entrepreneurism. Liz traces her journey from journalist to farmer to social entrepreneur and shares how "learning fast, failing fast and pivoting" helped her make her way through the dark, early days when there was little success, support or celebration for the company she was building.


1. To celebrate Mother’s Day (yes, that is THIS Sunday), CARRY™ has partnered with Sseko Designs and is giving away the Ultimate Working Mom Swag Bag to THREE mamas and we’ve made it super easy to win over the next few days 





our weekly newsletter! These incredible gifts are valued at over $700 and include a carry-all bag, MAMA necklace, AirPods and a gift card to


2. The weather is warming up and it’s time for the transition to refreshing cocktails and iced coffee… and I have your new favorite iced coffee order.  Trust me on this one! I’m even handing you the script to order it — “Can I get a double shot of espresso over ice in a venti cup with 2 pumps of brown sugar syrup, a splash of oat milk (or milk of your choice) with sweet cream cold foam on top, please?” Or if you have the Starbucks app — here is the order for mobile ordering and you don’t have to say that order out loud!3. NEW BOOK ALERT  You know I only tell you about books I LOVE and this one was released today and I can’t encourage you enough to GO 👏🏼 GRAB 👏🏼 A 👏🏼 COPY 👏🏼 of my friend, Kirsten Watson’s book - Sis, Take A Breath. Buy it for yourself or gift it to a woman or friend in your life. It will bless her! Photo via Amazon.com


or to participate.