Should working moms get a national holiday?

Working Moms, Identity Loss and Adoption

Something big happened this weekend. CARRY Media™️, my new venture to champion the mom in the workforce kicked off the #whyiwork campaign as our country celebrated National Working Moms Day (it was Saturday, btw), which has only been an official holiday for a few years. Working moms, we want to give you the mic! Join in the #whyiwork movement and share your why with us.

Buuuut, I’ve been hearing from a lot of you that National Working Moms Day is a bogus holiday because “all moms work”. 

I agree with that sentiment. All moms DO work. Full stop. 

However, what we’re trying to do at CARRY™ is support the 35 million moms in the workforce that are working because they get to, or have to. And, our early research is showing that the majority of moms these days are working for the paycheck. AKA, they NEED to work. 

Without starting any mommy wars, let’s just say momming is the toughest, yet, most rewarding job on the planet. I spoke with Elana Meyers Taylor this past week (the most decorated Black Athlete in the winter Olympics – she’s a 5x Olympic medalist in Bobsled). Elana has an adorable 2-year-old son, Nico, born with Downs Syndrome. She said being a mom is tougher than being an Olympic Athlete. Let that one sink in. 

I LOVE being a mom – it’s my favorite job on the planet. But, these days, it's hard to define my role. I stay at home (man, I hate that term). I mom HARD. Yet, I also have side hustles as an independent contractor. 

And, I’ll admit that I’ve lost a lot of my identity in being a mom. I’ve also lost my identity in work. Finding the right balance is….so….tough. Turns out, identity crises are my forté. 

I guess it’s pretty normal, though—because I spoke with Tim Tebow (former Heisman winner and NFL’er) and his Miss Universe wife, Demi, this week on the Faith & Calling podcast.  

They were both really raw and honest about struggling with the loss of identity… for Tim, as recently as this past summer, when he felt called back to the NFL (after a 6-year-absence), only to get CUT by the Jacksonville Jaguars. And for Demi, when she turned over her crown as Miss Universe, she said she felt like she handed over her identity, her purpose, her meaning, with that physical crown. 

So, how do we handle disappointments in our life, when we feel like we’re called to something and it just doesn’t work out? I hope this conversation encourages you. 

I’m glad you’re here, friends. Because we’re going to get through this…

Our best days are ahead!

The Paula Faris 'Faith & Calling' Podcast

Episode 56 with Kristin Chenoweth – From the choir of an Oklahoma church, all the way to the bright lights of Broadway, this episode will have your soul singing! My guest is the incomparable Kristin Chenoweth, whom we know and love as the Emmy and Tony Award-winning actress and singer whose rendition of "Glinda" put the mega-hit musical "Wicked" on the map. Hear about her big break in New York and the lessons she's learned about giving up a sure thing for a long shot, all while discovering nothing is wasted in God's economy


Episode 57 with Tim and Demi-Leigh Tebow – He’s a two-time national champion, Heisman Trophy winner and first-round NFL draft pick. She’s a South African model and beauty queen who was crowned Miss Universe 2017. This episode is especially for anyone finding their way through the loss of a title, the sting of rejection, or the lingering frustration of life not going as planned. Tim and Demi-Leigh have been there too, and their stories point to the truth that God can use you right where you are with what you have. 


1. Francesco Malavolta's viral photo of strollers left on a Polish train platform for Ukrainian families looking for safety has been shared by moms in our community and beyond — and it's one that pulls at our heartstrings. Moms supporting moms. Families supporting families. It's the kind of feel-good, unifying story we can all get behind. If you're looking for a way to help moms and families affected by the crisis in Ukraine, click here. Photo Credit: Francesco Malavolta2. I know a lot of you are parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles – if you have children in your life, I strongly encourage you to pick up Kristin Chenoweth’s new kid's book, “What Will I Do With My Love Today?” Kristin, who was adopted, takes young readers on a journey, showing them the more love they GIVE, the more they’ll get. She joined me in conversation last week on the podcast and after hearing her heart, I’m so inspired to support her. Adoption is near and dear to my heart - I have a niece who was adopted. Kristin told me that for a long time, saying she was adopted was a dirty word. But, she wholeheartedly believes that: “sometimes you pick your family and other times it's picked for you.” Kristin, we’re cheering you on! Photo via Amazon.com3. Spring forward with this: here’s one of the best purchases you can make for the whole family - a hammock you can hang between trees. What I thought would be something my kids would love, I have used time and time again… you might even find me making conference calls from it when the weather is beautiful. Photo via Amazon.com


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