Flipping the script on regret and failure…

My Biggest Regret...

If you asked me my biggest regret, I wouldn’t have to think twice. I know exactly what it was and when it happened. I imagine if I turned the question back to you, you’d be able to answer it just as quickly. 

Regret…ugh. I still have a pit in my stomach about some things I’ve done. 

But, this week while I was hosting a leadership conference, I learned the POWER of regret.Wait. What?That’s right, the power of regret. I always thought regret was a bad thing. However, Daniel Pink, a NY TIMES BEST-SELLING AUTHOR who wrote The Power of Regret talked about how regret done right doesn't just make us better, it makes us human. When you admit what you regret the most, it signals what you value. He went on to list several practices where we can use regret to get better (I know, it sounds so counter-productive, but I promise it’s not).  

I’ll share two with you here and I encourage you to try them out. 

  1. Write a failure resume for yourself. List the setbacks and blunders you've faced. But, don’t stop there, write down the lessons you learned and how you'll use those lessons to better yourself.

  2. Form a "regret circle" with your team, your family or your friends. Talk about the regret and the lesson you learned. Then ask your team/family/friends to tell you what you should do with that lesson. 

Another takeaway from the conference was in regards to failure: FAILURE IS YOUR TUITION PAYMENT FOR SUCCESS. You must fail in order to succeed. Michael Jordan, who knows a thing or two about success, says failure is the key to success (no, MJ wasn’t at the leadership conference, though I’d love to hear him speak!). 

Friends, we’re all on a journey. Our flaws, our failures, our regrets are all part of the process. Let’s embrace the highs, the lows, the good and the bad. And, let’s keep believing our best is yet to come!! 

Now, time to return to my regret circle. 😉 

The Paula Faris 'Faith & Calling' Podcast

Episode 54 with Max Lucado – Last week I spoke with one of the kindest, wisest and most influential teachers out there, Max Lucado – who happens to be a best-selling author of over 40 books that have sold more than 120 million copies worldwide! Max is often referred to as "America's Pastor" (a title he very quickly shrugs off)... and after listening to this thought-provoking and hope-renewing conversation, it's clear to see how the nickname stuck. 

Episode 55 with Tyler Perry – I connected with the one-and-only Tyler Perry! He’s a living legend with an accomplished career as a writer, actor, producer, director and the owner of Tyler Perry Studios, the largest production facility in the country. What you may not know is that behind the success of Tyler’s media empire is one jaw-dropping life story. In this episode, we learn about the highs and lows of a life scarred by abuse and saved by grace. 


1. How to approach the topic of war with your kids. This past week has been hard. And, as parents, you may be wondering how you can have appropriate conversations with your kids (of all ages) about war. We posted this article from Verywell Family in our weekly newsletter for CARRY Media™ and it proved to be helpful for so many parents. We hope it helps you too. 2. The leadership conference I mentioned earlier is in conjunction with the Global Leadership Network. They offer incredible leadership events and tools to grow year-round. Their premier event is the Global Leadership Summit every August –– it’s the world’s largest annual leadership conference. I’ll be hosting again, and they’re offering you this code for $70 off the August summit! Get your tickets now! Code - SPECIAL223. Since I just got back from a quick trip it reminded me how much I LOVE this toiletry bag for travelIt literally fits EVERYTHING, even full-size items! It wipes clean and zips up easily. I have found the ONE! Photo via Amazon.com.


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