Staying connected through love and loss

High School Yearbooks, 1989 and a Ukulele

My heart is so full. 

Not because of Valentine’s Day. 

No, my heart is full for several reasons. 

One, because I just spent a long weekend with my high school friends from looooong ago. We met back in 1989 (in Jackson, MICHIGAN) and had the best time reminiscing, looking at old photos and reading our yearbook messages we wrote to one another (I highly recommend doing this). 

We’ve stayed in touch over the years, but haven’t gotten together  ALL OF US  in forever. 

You know how it goes: we all get busy, have families, have our own lives, we say we’ll get together but we never do. 

REALITY: if you don’t put something on the calendar, it won’t happen. So, we did the darn thing. We finally put something on the calendar and made it happen!

My heart is also full because today is the 3rd anniversary of my dad’s Heaven homecoming. It’s taken a while to move beyond grief and sadness to this point. Yes, I still miss him. But, I now CELEBRATE him. One thing that’s really helped is keeping him present and talking to him every day, telling him what’s going on in my life and the life of his grandkids. It’s something I learned a few years ago while interviewing Country Music Star Luke Bryan 

he’d experienced unthinkable family tragedy and he said the way he gets through it is by keeping his loved ones present… engaging with them throughout the day, talking to them about what’s happening in his life and the lives of those they left behind. It’s strange, but I actually feel closer to my dad now than I did while he was “alive.”

To commemorate the love, loss and legacy, I’ve invited my mom and husband into conversation on the podcast this week  it’s probably the most special episode, yet. And, I don’t want to spoil it for you, but my 82-year-old mom plays the sweetest tear-inducing song on her Ukulele at the end. 

Consider this a hug from our home to yours.

The Paula Faris 'Faith & Calling' Podcast

Episode 52 with Mitch Albom – Last week I was joined by the author of “Tuesdays with Morrie,” Mitch Albom. Hear how he navigated the crossroads of a stalled dream and an evolving calling into writing. If you find yourself frustrated that not all the lights are turning green for you right now, consider this a red light to stop and listen to someone who's been there too. As Mitch says, "My whole life has been a series of things that turned out to be the best thing that happened, even though I didn't want them right away." Listen Now!

Episode 53 with my Mom and Husband, John – This episode of "Faith & Calling" is special for SO many reasons. With love, loss and legacy being front of mind, I invited my adorable mom, Carol, and adoring husband, John, to join me for a memorable heart-to-heart-to-heart. I promise this episode will give you all the feels, from sentimental to silly, and a musical appearance from my Mom! Consider this chat an easy opportunity to widen your heart and your smile and be reminded that you are so, so loved. 


1. Fairlife Protein Shake 💪 I’ve been trying to increase my protein intake (this is what happens when you start approaching 50 years young) and one of my faves is this FairLife shake, packed with 30 grams of protein, low on sugar. AND, the best part? I have them shipped from Sam’s Club :) FYI, this is not sponsored. I’m just a big fan!! As are my kids  which is a double win for all you parents out there. Photo via fairlife.com.2. THE OLYMPICS  — Have you caught all the MOMS killing it this year in the Winter Olympics? One of my favorites is working Mama, Elana Meyers Taylor who won SILVER in Women's Monobob on Sunday night! And, she competed while nursing her young son. Hero status! 🥈

3. Wanting to connect with your kids or significant other in a sweet, inexpensive way? Write words of encouragement on post-it notes after they’ve gone to sleep, stick the notes on their bedroom or bathroom mirror, so when they wake up, they can read how loved they are! The Executive Content Director for CARRY Media™,  Terri Flannagan, recently wrote that great tip for The CARRY™ ALL newsletter – I did this and my kids were all smiling ear to ear on Valentine’s morning. You can do this on ANY random day and it will fill their bucket. (If you do this, send me your photos via Instagram — I’d love to see them!) ❤️


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