Redeeming Love, Julius Caesar and Believing For It

Longest. Month. Ever.

Hiiiiiii, February. So glad you’re here! January, you felt like 7,898 days. And because we need someone to blame, let’s point the finger at Julius Caesar. At least, a little. Friends, in prepping to write this message to you, I jokingly GOOGLED the following: WHY ARE THERE 31 DAYS IN JANUARY? (you don’t want a glimpse into the random things I GOOGLE, by the way.) Well, as it so happens, January wasn’t always 31 days long. In fact, it was a zippy 29 days until Julius Caesar proposed a new calendar system in 46 BC, which added TWO DAYS to January. Thanks, Julius. We could have used 29 days this January. 

It’s been quite the start to 2022: another wave of COVID, snowstorms, busted New Year’s resolutions, Tom Brady’s retirement. What is happening??Let’s turn the page, shall we? So, this month, I’m BELIEVING for the best. And it’s all because of an incredibly encouraging conversation I had with CeCe Winans a few days ago (our episode is out today!). CeCe is the best-selling female Gospel artist of all time. And, she said something that resonated so much with me. She said we can think positively about something, pray for it, but if we don’t BELIEVE FOR IT, we’re missing the boat. We need to put it out there, verbalize it, and be thankful that it’s going to happen. If you’re a person of faith, you continue to thank God that it’s going to happen. So, what am I believing for, right now? I’m going to put it out there: I’m believing that CARRY™ Media will become THE source for the working mom who is looking for an advocate/champion/cheerleader. It feels vulnerable putting it out there to you…but, I’m going to BELIEVE FOR IT. What are you believing for? I encourage you to put it out there. Articulate it. Verbalize it to trusted friends. Don’t be ashamed for it. DO IT TODAY!Our best is yet to come, friends. Let’s believe for it!

The Paula Faris 'Faith & Calling' Podcast

Episode 50 with Dave Ramsey – What happens when you have a finance degree but find yourself bankrupt? That happened to last week's guest. He wound up studying "God's and grandma's ways" of handling money, got out of debt and journeyed onto a powerful path that would help MILLIONS of people change their financial futures. Talk about falling into your calling! Don't miss my conversation with finance personality, radio show host, businessman and best-selling author, Dave Ramsey. 

Episode 51 with CeCe Winans – When you’re faced with a challenge, do you know the difference between just praying for it and actually believing for it? If that question makes you pause, then go ahead and press play on this week’s episode of “Faith & Calling” because the answer is here and it’s a game-changer. CeCe Winans, the best-selling, most awarded female in Gospel music history, joins me on this week’s episode of “Faith & Calling” for an inspirational conversation that will get you thinking.  Listen Now!


1. REDEEMING LOVE – I didn’t read the book, but loved the movie. Though, it’s every bit PG-13. My good friend texted me AS I WAS FILLING UP MY POPCORN BUCKET at the movie theatre, “don’t take your 14-year-old daughter.” I replied, “ummm, we’re already here.” Oh, and my 82-year-old mom came along, too. Ha. Photo via Redeeming Love Movie.2. The CARRY™ ALL launched on Jan 23rd and I want to gift you a peek at the first two editions, but here’s what I’d love - if you’d hop over to www.carrymedia.com and subscribe, because listen - #beingaworkingmomshouldwork.

3. SUPER BOWL WINNING APPETIZER: What’s better than meat lovers pizza? Meat Lovers PIZZA DIP! Warning: Have some TUMS on standby. Photo via delish.com.


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