Dennis Quaid. Family visits. And, why resolutions don’t work.

I am SO fired up for this new year! Granted, I’m limping into 2022 because John and I just hosted 20+ family members in our house for over a week. We had relatives travel in from Michigan, Indiana and Colorado…turns out, we love to play Sequence (best game ever), order pizza and we realllllly like our adult beverages. I love family. Even when it’s messy and beautifully chaotic. Which is about 99.9% of the time with our crews.  

Here are a few reasons why I’m looking forward to 2022: 

  • Launching CARRY Media™ on January 23rd!!!!!! (You guys!! We are so close!) I’ll be giving you a sneak peek at our content, soon. 

  • I’m committed to doing my first PULL-UP ever. This is truly my only health goal of the year. BTW, I believe in goals. Not resolutions. Why? Because most resolutions are over by January 12th (Womp Womp. That lovely stat is courtesy of Strava Research). 

  • I’m also committed to NOT spreading myself too thin in 2022, focusing only on WHO and WHAT are important.

By the way, I count it as an absolute PRIVILEGE and HONOR to be entering Season 2 of my “Faith & Calling” podcast. Because you’re awesome, I’m going to show you something before everyone else sees it. Dennis Quaid, yep, THE DENNIS QUAID, is my first guest of 2022. And, I’m showing you this behind-the-scenes video clip before I release it on social. Dennis is a lover of animals, especially his bulldog “Peaches.” (Listen to the full episode below)

I am so thankful to walk into 2022 with such an amazing community! Be sure to keep up with me through this newsletter and my social accounts, because we have some fun giveaways coming up!


1. Managing screens and devices for our children is so challenging, exhausting and soul-crushing. John and I are reading a book called “Parenting Generation Screen” by Jonathan McKee that is giving us so much hope and practical guidelines for how we can best navigate this space with our kids. If you’re looking for a quick, entertaining and really practical read, I highly recommend it! Photo via amazon.com.2. Best appetizer for College Football National Championship - Buffalo. Chicken. Dip. (NOTE: If I’m EVER giving you recipes, they’re usually stupid easy and stupid good.)


  • 2.5 cans of chicken (Yes, I said cans. I’m not fancy.)

  • 2 blocks 8 oz cream cheese

  • 1.5 Cups of Shredded Cheddar

  • 1 Cup of Texas Pete Hot Sauce 

  • 1 Cup of Ranch Dressing

Throw everything into a Crockpot, cook on high for 4 hours, stirring occasionally. Serve with tortilla chips. Or, if you’re attempting a healthier option, try carrot sticks or celery. Photo via allrecipes.com. 

3. Hands down, one of the BEST television shows to come out in a long time (next to Ted Lasso) is Yellowstone. I don’t know if it’s the cowboys or the drama (or maybe it’s just Kevin Costner), but John and I can’t get enough…if you’re looking for a new show to start during this winter - Yellowstone is where it’s at. Photo via imbd.com.


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