Snowstorms, "The Great Reset" and Soup

As I write this, I’ve just taken my first shower in three days. And, my family and I are staying at our friend’s home until our power is restored from a snowstorm here in Upstate South Carolina. 

So grateful for friends who are like family, who open up their home. And, wow, am I thankful for a hot shower. 

Your 2022 may have gotten off to a similar, stormy start -- whether it was due to the weather, or a life change. 

I’ve been exploring a recent phenomenon in American culture called The Great Resignation. Record numbers of you quit jobs in 2021 due to a myriad of reasons–and it’s not expected to slow down in 2022. 

You’re re-examining why/where/how you work. And, I applaud you. 

So, what started as The Great Resignation, has now turned into The Great Reset (or, The Great Re-Imagination). We’re taking a serious look at the role of work in our lives–taking control of our work and personal life–and making a big decision to accomplish it. It’s been empowering to so many of you. Buuuut, also, scary as hell. 

I’ve been there. In fact, I’m THERE. Right now. 

The rug was pulled from under me, we moved from NYC to South Carolina. And, 

I’m just a few days from launching our weekly newsletter at CARRY Media™, geared to advocate, champion and celebrate the working momma. 

Let me encourage you for a moment. You don’t have to have it all figured out. The future may look uncertain. And, the valley is almost always part of the process. 

Follow the peace in your spirit. Press into the fear. And, allow the pain to transform your purpose. YOUR BEST IS YET TO COME. We’re just getting started.

The Paula Faris 'Faith & Calling' Podcast

Last week I had a one-on-one conversation with Jonathan Roumie –– the star of The Chosen, the mighty-popular streaming video series on the life of Jesus Christ. I am a huge fan of the series and was SO eager to sit down with Jonathan to hear about the early twists and turns of pursuing his calling, including voiceovers on MTV's Celebrity Death Match, a literal run-in with Run DMC, and juggling both side jobs and full-on fears of the unknown. You'll be encouraged by how Jonathan pursued his calling in the face of that fear.

Have you ever had a major life change hit you that you’d file under #didntseethatcoming? If you’ve found yourself struggling with receiving bad news, you’re going to want to listen in to soak up the wisdom and hope flowing from this week’s guest, the New York Times bestselling cookbook author, mama and health advocate, Danielle Walker. Danielle and I discuss the ups and the downs of the autoimmune journey, including the dietary changes that ended her suffering and how she's helped others in the same boat. Listen Now!


1. What helped us get through our power surge and snowstorm? THIS easy Chicken and Veggies soup from my friend Danielle Walker. Luckily, I have a gas stove and could whip up this recipe. It was a lifesaver! Photo via againstallgrain.com.2. Dave Ramsey’s new book, Baby Steps Millionaires –– His first in almost 10 years! To celebrate, his team is giving 10 of you a signed copy. Stay tuned into the Paula Faris 'Faith and Calling' Podcast to learn how to win! Photo via amazon.com.

3. The CARRY™ ALL launches this Sunday! We need you, our ambassadors to spread the word to every workin’ momma you know–this will be their load lessener, cheerleader and funny BFF. Click here to subscribe. 


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