You’re hearing it here, first, friends. 

On Friday, I’m guest co-hosting “The View” (they’re having their former co-hosts on in celebration of the show’s 25th anniversary). And, I’m planning to announce some details about my company, which I’ve been hinting about for a few months. Buuuuuut, I am spilling the tea to you, first. So, here it goes. In January, I’ll be launching CARRY Media™, a media company that will advocate, celebrate and champion the working momma through storytelling and content. Being a working mom just doesn’t work––we’re burned out, exhausted, carrying mom guilt, conflicted and often, underpaid. And, many times the workplace punishes us for having kids in the first place. CARRY Media™ will tell the story of the working mom so that we can change it. 

So, what’s next? I’m so glad you asked! 

We’re launching with a weekly newsletter that’s part load-lessener, part cheerleader and part BFF. We want this to be THE resource for working moms, all 38 million of them in the U.S. We will celebrate, we won’t scrutinize. We will advocate, we won’t be adversarial. 

I’m really nervous about all of it… stepping into a new space that has required me to step waaaay out of my comfort zone. I’ve had to put on my business hat (I know nothing about the business world) and raise money for CARRY Media™. But, I can’t wait to support working moms in this new venture. The moms who choose to work. And, the moms who have to work in order to put food on the table. 

Thank you for pulling for me in this next vocational chapter! 

Middle School Dances, Axe Body Spray and Tingly Feelings

Not sure about your experience with middle school, but mine can be summed up in one word: awkward. I had braces, permed hair and my eyes were bigger than my head. 

I now have TWO middle schoolers in the house. And, my 6th grader, JJ, experienced his first middle school dance this past weekend. OMG. I soooo wanted to spy on him!

(Here’s JJ looking fly.)

JJ didn’t give me much dirt post-dance, but did admit that several girls had asked him to the dance and he declined because he was going with his buddies. But, I’m pretty sure he’s got a crush. All of a sudden, he showers more, spends WAY too much time in the Wal-Mart deodorant/body spray aisle. And, the smells of AXE BODY SPRAY are T-H-I-C-K around our house. 

I remember my first crush. That’s me in the red and grey dress. And, Brian Larson is that cutie pie in the white shirt to the left, looking over at me. Brian and I weren’t meant to be. Not sure we ever spoke more than 10 words to one another. But, I don’t think we ever forget our first crush, right? :) (Pardon the quality of this scanned photo, but that’s what happens when you’re born in the ’70s. Your childhood photos are all a tad grainy.)

Episode 39 — Bubba Watson — Pardon my minor freak out… but, we have a MASTERS Champion on the podcast! THE Bubba Watson of the PGA! He opens up about handling life’s ups and downs and recounts how just a couple of years ago, he found himself on the floor of his bathroom thinking it was over. Bubba goes DEEP and gets very emotional, talking about his crippling fear, anxiety and stress. Click to listen to this tell-all episode that will inspire, encourage and motivate you to keep moving forward!  LISTEN NOW

Episode 40 — Amy Brown  This award-winning radio co-host, podcaster and philanthropist sits down with me to chat about her journey to success, identifying the trusted voices to lean on when taking a leap of faith and overcoming struggles with unique approaches. Amy also opens up about her struggles with depression during the pandemic and how she discovered that puzzles held the key to a new slice of happiness. This is an episode you don’t want to miss! LISTEN NOW


1. Stuck on dinner this week? I’ve got the EASIEST recipe and a winner for everyone in your family. The best part? It’s only 5 ingredients! 2. What to do with those PILES of leftover Halloween candy? Here are a few ideas. 

  • Make Halloween Candy Cookies. Just google “leftover Halloween candy cookies” and you’ll see a zillion easy recipes that will help you get rid of all that candy. 

  • Save the candy for your Gingerbread houses. 

  • Donate the candy to our nation’s finest Soldiers. Soldiers' Angels Treats for Troops is a Halloween Candy collection program where local businesses accept excess Halloween candy from kids in exchange for goodies. The most popular businesses that participate are dental offices — but it is a great program for any location — gyms, schools, churches, and more! Once collected, businesses ship the candy to Soldiers’ Angels. Soldiers' Angels then gets the candy to deployed service members and veterans. 

3. Lighthouse Family Retreat —  You might notice I wear the same Lighthouse shirt a lot and it’s because I love the work and mission of Lighthouse Family Retreat! My husband and I recently had the opportunity to speak at one of their donor retreats and we fell in LOVE with their mission. Lighthouse is a nonprofit that exists to strengthen every family living through childhood cancer. They host restorative retreats and develop helpful resources so that families and their support systems can find hope in God and help in their fight. Our family is all in… we already are planning our serve dates in 2022. It might be a place your family can give back, too! Photo via lighthousefamilyretreat.org.


or to participate.