Letting you in on a little secret...

A little over a week ago, I went back to NYC for the first time since we blew up our lives and moved to South Carolina in March of 2020. 

I was there to guest co-host The View, as they’re inviting former co-hosts back in celebration of the show’s 25th anniversary. What was it like to be back? Um, weird. Also, terrifying. Oh, and clarifying, too. 

Weird, because I had zero closure when I lost my job at ABC News during the pandemic. Terrifying, because I had to walk in heels for the first time in 18 months :) Clarifying, because it made me so grateful for my family’s fresh start in South Carolina. 

Guest co-hosting was my first time back in the building! Here's a video of being back in the makeup room with my dear friend Sara Haines. This is also the room where all the co-hosts meet with producers early in the morning to discuss the “Hot Topics,” AKA, what we’ll be talking about on the show. 

On the show, I had a chance to let the cat out of the bag about CARRY Media™ (which you heard about first, in my last email to you!). It’s been so amazing to see the response to CARRY’s mission to advocate, champion and celebrate the working momma through disruptive storytelling and content. 

In January, we will soft launch a free, weekly newsletter, called The CARRY ALL™, which is essentially part cheerleader, part funny BFF and part load-lessener. Would you help me spread the word about this and encourage everyone you know to sign up at www.CarryMedia.com? We believe that being a working mom should work. And, we need women and men to join us as we change the story of what it’s like to be a working mom in the U.S. ❤️ 

I’m so grateful for your support as I navigate the uncharted territory of being an entrepreneur. It really is exhilarating, humbling and freaking me out ALL at the same time. Overcoming the fear of leaving our comfort zones...ugh, it’s a struggle. Make sure you check out my conversation with Dan Harris, my former GMA co-anchor, as we talk about this very topic. Dan just left ABC News after 21 years to become an entrepreneur. At one point in the conversation, he told me “there are days I’ve wondered what have I done?”. 

THIS Turned Around My Thanksgiving Dinners...

Since we’re gearing up for Thanksgiving, I’m going to let you in on a little secret. 

The baby turkey. 

I admire all of you who CAN cook and LOVE to cook. While I can cook, I don’t enjoy it. And, I certainly don’t enjoy baking a turkey. Mainly, because I don’t do it well. 

So, my secret to a juicy, plate clearing dark and white meat delight is….the baby turkey. AKA, a rotisserie chicken. For about the past 10 years, I’ll swing by Boston Market, or my local grocery store and buy a “baby turkey”. My kids are convinced these aren’t normal rotisserie chickens, they are, in fact, “baby turkeys”. You’re either laughing right now. Or, you think I’m the worst human on the planet. 😂 But, for about 1/10th of the price, and ALL THE ENJOYMENT,  you too can pull off what will become a Thanksgiving favorite. (Just remember to take it out of the container, so the secret’s not out!)

Episode 41  Dan Harris  My former partner-in-crime at weekend GMA for 4+ years joins me as we talk about leaving comfortable jobs and doing something crazybecoming entrepreneurs. Dan left ABC News after 21 years and is pursuing his company, Ten Percent Happier. We’re digging into overcoming the fear of leaving comfort. I can’t wait to hear your takeaway from this conversation! LISTEN NOW

Episode 42 — Amy Robach and Andrew Shue — This week I’m talking to two dear friends of mine. He was a ‘90s heartthrob on Melrose Place. She, a successful Newscaster. On this episode, I chat with Andrew and Amy to talk about their love story, the dynamics of raising a blended family of five kids and Amy’s Breast Cancer diagnosis. This is a beautiful story of redemption you can’t miss.LISTEN NOW


1. BABY TURKEYS,” AKA, rotisserie chickens. Make sure you post your photos using #BabyTurkey and I’ll re-post!2. Let’s be honest, Christmas shopping for parents can be nearly impossible....but what if you gave them something that would leave a legacy for your family? Check out these AMAZING journals. I’ve already ordered 5!

3. Looking for a simple and easy cocktail for the holidays? Say hello to my FAVORITE mulled wine recipe. This cozy drink is perfect for cold weather and is so easy to make for a crowd! Combine all the ingredients into a slow cooker and let the crockpot work its magic.



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